Object storage
S3-Compatible Object Storage in One Platform

Drop in the Bucket and Store Limitlessly

Object Storage provides you with the scalability, data availability, security, and performance you need.

Management portal

Easy access and deployment via the Management Portal which is integrated with IP ServerOne Customer’s portal.

Bucket Management

Enable Object Storage and proceed to create a bucket by clicking Create Bucket.

Authorized Access

Set Bucket to publicly accessible or private access only to enhance security. 

Access Key Management

Create an access key for use with an S3-compatible client by clicking on the Access Keys tab once a bucket is created.



Usage Statistic

A breakdown of total reads and writes for the created bucket.

Usage and Transaction

A detailed and transparent usage breakdown and hourly charges.

Object Browser

Configure your Commvault by Adding a Cloud Storage Library

Get Started Today

We’ll support your digitization needs every step of the way.

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