Taking Project Collaboration To The Next Level

Control Over Your Data & Access Anywhere at Anytime

User-friendly interface, effective collaboration, and secure data exchange at all times.

Management portal

Easy access and deployment via the Management Portal integrated with IP ServerOne Customer’s portal.

FiDrive Dashboard

You will be able to see and keep track of any file’s previous version, the sharing status, and modified date from Dashboard. The file activity tab will also allow you to see the history of action that has been done on the file.


Use the Details view to add and read comments on any file or folder. Comments are visible to everyone who has access to the file.

Sharing Configuration

Share files or folders with a group or other users, and create public shares with hyperlinks. You can also see who you have shared with already, and revoke shares by clicking the trash can icon.

Native Video Player

You can play videos with the Video Player app by simply clicking on the file. Video streaming by the native video player depends on your Web browser and the video format.

File Tagging

You can assign tags to files. All tags are system tags and are shared by all users on your server. You can also use the Tags filter on the left sidebar to filter files by tags.

Dyslexia-Friendly Font

OpenDyslexic font is an open-sourced font that can be enabled to provide a form of mitigation to some common reading errors caused by dyslexia.

Files Restoration

To restore files from the FiDrive cloud, simply install the Agent software, sign in and restore. It’s as easy as 123.

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