Comprehensive DDoS Protection for Enterprises
Multi-layer DDoS Protection against malicious traffic
Mitigation System
We stand ready to fight against the attacks with mitigation, blackhole, clean pipe and “Always-On” methods to automate protection.
Anti-DDoS Diagram
We deploy a smart and high-performance DDoS mitigation device that is able to detect and mitigate immediately; it monitors all incoming traffic to our network and as soon as suspicious traffic hits, it will be flagged and sent to our own Anti-DDoS infrastructure directly with reporting data and analytics. The process of detecting and filtering the traffic is completely automated and in real-time.

1.1 Anti-DDoS Diagram
DDoS Mitigation Flow
Multi-layered mitigation in a global scrubbing center
We protect your network against all kinds of DDoS Attacks; a multi-layered mitigation mechanism is being used to identify, mitigate, and analyze attacks on the spot. Any attack goes through our multi-layered mitigation system to assure it will not reach our customers’ network, where 99.9% of attacks will be mitigated. IPServerOne’s first-grade smart mitigation system will route the clean traffic to the customer’s network.

Data center with DDoS mitigation box (DMB)
Our Data Center’s network architecture are DDoS Protected
Our data centers are equipped with DDoS Mitigation Box (DMB) enabled us to perform on-prem DDoS traffic scrubbing. With our DDos Detector, network traffics are monitored at all times. The DMB will be triggered if suspicious traffic is detected and will be scrubbed off before sending to the end user which ultimately enhanced your network performance.

1.2 Anti DDoS network architecture
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